Implementasi Algoritma Improvised Prioritized Deadline Scheduling Algorithm (IPDSA) pada Grid Environment Menggunakan PVM3

  • Haidar Hendri Setyawan Universitas Sebelas Maret
  • Wisnu Widiarto Universitas Sebelas Maret
  • Ardhi Wijayanto Universitas Sebelas Maret
Keywords: Grid Computing, Resource Scheduling, Two-level Hierarchy Scheduling Model, PVM3, IPDSA


Resource Scheduling is one of the most challenging parts of grid computing. A number of algorithms have been designed and developed to create effective resource scheduling. In this research, the algorithms that have been used are the improvised prioritized deadline scheduling algorithm (IPDSA), and the parallel virtual machine version 3 (PVM3) has been used for efficient task execution, with a deadline limit for each task. PVM3 is a software library that optimizes resources flexibly and heterogeneously on a computer. These resources have been connected to various architectures in parallel, so that they can complete tasks well, even though they are very large and complex. This research has implemented the IPDSA resource scheduling algorithm to optimize scheduling and Grid resources in a computer laboratory as a grid environment, where the computers (hosts) are the Grid resource. This research has also developed an IPDSA resource scheduling algorithm by giving priority to each task and implemented using PVM3. The IPDSA resource scheduling algorithm has been successfully implemented using PVM3, with average Tardiness showing a stable value and getting a Non-Delayed Task value above 97.3%, because the resources and tasks that are carried out can be distributed evenly according to the number of hosts used.


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How to Cite
Haidar Hendri Setyawan, Widiarto, W., & Wijayanto, A. (2020). Implementasi Algoritma Improvised Prioritized Deadline Scheduling Algorithm (IPDSA) pada Grid Environment Menggunakan PVM3. Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem Dan Teknologi Informasi), 4(5), 957-963.
Information Technology Articles