Analysis and Development of Seawater Density Measurement Algorithms Using Arduino Uno and YL-69 Sensor
In this research, an analysis was carried out to develop a measuring instrument for seawater density in salt production using a microcontroller (Arduino Uno) and YL-69 sensor, this sensor was commonly used to measure soil moisture. The experimental method was used in this research to produce initial data in the form of resistance and seawater density values, then calculations are carried out using statistical methods to find equations and produce a constant variable that connects the resistance and seawater density values. The equation was used to compile the algorithm into Arduino Uno. As for the results of this research, From six experiments conducted, two experiments produced the same sea water density value between the actual and the predicted, namely the 2nd and 5th experiments, while for other experiments there was a difference between the actual and predicted values, however, it was not too significant, the difference occurs between the value range 0 ~ 1, to determine the level of error, use the Mean Square Error (MSE) with an error level of = 0.5 and Mean Absolute Error (MAE) with an error level of = 0.6. The contribution of this research is an algorithm that can predict the density value (baume) based on the resistance value obtained from the YL 69 sensor.
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