Determination of Customer Satisfaction of Tax Service Office Services Using C4.5 and PSO
Penentuan Kepuasan Pelanggan terhadap Pelayanan Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Menggunakan C4.5 dan PSO
Tax Service Office is a work unit of the Directorate General of Taxation that carries out services in the field of taxation to the public, both registered and unregistered taxpayers, within the working area of the Directorate General of Taxes. The number of Primary Tax Service Offices in Indonesia, one of which is the Primary Tax Service Office in Bekasi, has various ways to increase the satisfaction of taxpayers for the services provided. This study aims to determine the accuracy of taxpayers' satisfaction using data mining techniques using the Decision Tree C4.5 Algorithm with Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) feature selection, validation uses cross validation techniques while accuracy is measured by the confussion matrix, which is to determine the level of service satisfaction conducted by distributing questionnaires to taxpayers in the Primary Tax Service Office in Bekasi as many as 500 questionnaires. The results show the accuracy value of Taxpayers' service satisfaction at the Pratama Tax Service Office using the Decision Tree C4.5 Algorithm with a feature selection of Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) of 98,85%, Precission of 98,85% and Recall of 100%.
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