Comparison of the ELECTRE, SMART and ARAS Methods in Determining Priority for Post-Natural Disaster RENAKSI Priorities
Komparasi Metode ELECTRE, SMART dan ARAS Dalam Penentuan Prioritas RENAKSI Pasca Bencana Alam
Each organization must collect data as a result of the use of information technology. Over time the data is processed into information. The information collected is used as a basis for decision making. But not all information can be directly used for the decision making process. Necessary methods and weighting in the process of getting information. One model in a decision support system is Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM). The MCDM model makes it possible to provide the best choice of information from several choices of the many criteria and alternatives used. This study compares the MCDM model, namely the ELECTRE (Elimination Et Choix Traduisant la Realite) method, SMART (Simple Multi-Attribute Rating Technique), ARAS (Additive Ratio Assessment) as a priority determination for the handling of areas affected by natural disasters which must be addressed first in the RENAKSI (Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Action Planning), in this case earthquake natural disasters. The ELECTRE method has a different algorithmic process than SMART and ARAS. The validation test method ELECTRE, SMART and ARAS against dataset occurrence of the earthquake is become the results of this research. Spearman rank correlation values for the three methods amounted to 0.96. And another correlation method value of 0.85 for the ARAS method and 0.82 for the ELECTRE and SMART methods.
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