Android Based Math & Trash Educational Game Using Scirra Construct 2 and Adobe Phonegap
Game Edukasi Math & Trash Berbasis Android dengan Menggunakan Scirra Construct 2 dan Adobe Phonegap
Educational games can be used as an effective learning method, especially for children, because children can gain knowledge in a fun way. Here the game is designed for young children to practice arithmetic and knowledge to separate organic and inorganic wastes. This game is based on Android using Construct 2 software, design using UML and Game Development Life Cycle (GDLC). At the end of the manufacturing process, software tests or tests consist of unit tests, integration tests and system tests. From the test results, the game "Math & Trash" can be run on several versions of Android with a variety of different screen sizes. The educational game "Math & Trash" is expected to have a positive impact on children on the importance of math subjects and the importance of protecting the surrounding environment.
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