Application of Data Mining for Visit Prediction at Amikom Creative Economy Park

  • Rumini Universitas AMIKOM Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • Norhikmah Universitas AMIKOM Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Prediction, Visit, ARIMA, Exponential Smoothing, Creative Economy Park


A creative economy park is a place designed with strategic goals for technology skills collaboration, information and knowledge transfer, creation of innovative high-tech enterprises and entrepreneurs, introduction of new technology industries in creative economy enterprises to promote economic development. Yogyakarta Amikom University has been declared a Creative Economy Park and is known as Amikom Creative Economy Park (ACEP). ACEP includes multiple multimedia environments for targeting businesses such as software development, film, television, games, radio, animation, advertising, investment consulting, and project design. Every year, the number of institutions visiting Amikom Yogyakarta University carries the slogan Amikom Creative Economy Park with a fairly busy program of visits. The agenda for accepting this visit was carried out by Amikom's Public Relations Department (DKUI, Directorate of Public Relations and International Affairs). The evolution of visitor numbers from year to year, forecasts must be made to support the planning and preparation process when receiving visits. This research will discuss the trend of visitors having a comparative study in Amikom Creative Economy Park in the future. The data used in this study is visitor data from January 2019 to December 2019. This predictive data analysis uses the Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) method and Exponential Smoothing as a comparison for the accuracy of the prediction. With the forecast of this visit, the planning and preparation for the Directorate of Public Relations and International Affairs and for the University AMIKOM Yogyakarta is to be done.


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How to Cite
Rumini, & Norhikmah. (2022). Application of Data Mining for Visit Prediction at Amikom Creative Economy Park. Journal of Systems Engineering and Information Technology (JOSEIT), 1(2), 52-57.