Implementation of Decision Tree for Making Decision of Claim Product from Steel Production

  • Anissa Lestari Universitas Mercu Buana
  • Saruni Dwiasnati Universitas Mercu Buana
Keywords: data mining, algorithm C4.5, decision tree, claim product


Product Claims is requests from consumers for products purchased from suppliers in accordance with agreements agreed by both parties. Products that have been claimed from consumers produce historical data sets that can be used as evaluations for producers to produce higher quality products. This study aims to process production data and shipment data then classify the types of products claimed based on the results of claim report from consumers. Data mining can be extracted information from a very large amount of data with specific methods to obtain information or new science. The method used in this study is the C4.5 algorithm method using the production code attribute as a claim or non-claim label attribute. This study produced a decision tree of 4 variables, there are thick of product, width of product, weight of product, destination of product, and type of product claim as label. This decision tree concept collects data which then calculates the value of entropy and gain to determine the rule. The conclusion from this study is the C4.5 algorithm helps classify the product claims and form a decision tree that can provide information about production results and can ensure with consumers related to product limits that may be claimed according to the agreed agreement. Evaluation of the results obtained that the algorithm C4.5 is 99.9% accuracy.


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How to Cite
Lestari, A., & Dwiasnati, S. (2022). Implementation of Decision Tree for Making Decision of Claim Product from Steel Production. Journal of Systems Engineering and Information Technology (JOSEIT), 1(1), 1 - 9.