Implementation Counting and Yolo Object Detection Methods for Identification Degree of Road Saturation

  • Rico Aditya Utama Gunadarma University
Keywords: Computer Vision, Object Detection, YOLO, Object Counting, Degree of Road Saturation


Identification of road conditions such as congestion at this time still requires manual efforts in getting results. The congestion parameters certainly need to be monitored, especially in crowded areas and big city business centers, such as on Jalan Jendral Sudirman, Central Jakarta. Many parameters to identify the level of road congestion, one of them is by observing the value of the degree of road saturation. The purpose of this study is to propose a system that can calculate the value of the degree of saturation quickly and accurately using a camera. The method that is being proposed is to combine the Computer Vision with YOLO Object Detector techniques based on Deep Learning and the Object Counting method to get the value of traffic flow in the observed area. The results obtained by this system are quite good, this is supported by the error value obtained by the system around 3-4%.


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How to Cite
Utama, R. A. (2022). Implementation Counting and Yolo Object Detection Methods for Identification Degree of Road Saturation. Journal of Systems Engineering and Information Technology (JOSEIT), 1(1), 33 - 39.