Perbandingan Metode KNN Dan LBPH Pada Klasifikasi Daun Herbal
Herbal plants are plants that can be used as alternatives in natural healing of diseases, parts of plants that can be used such as roots, stems, tubers and leaves, in Southeast Sulawesi there are currently 1000 herbal plants and 10 sub-ethnicities that have been inventoried, according to research conducted by the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes). Indonesia has 6,000 - 7,000 medicinal plants, Southeast Sulawesi Province has a variety of herbal plants that are not found in other areas, such as Komba - Komba or Balakacida (Chromolaena Odorata). However, in the present era, the number of herbal plants is not accompanied by the knowledge of the community about the herbal plants themselves. The purpose of this study is to classify herbal plants and to compare the performance results of the K-Nearest Neighbor Method and Local Binary Pattern Histogram. From the test results of five types of herbal leaves in Southeast Sulawesi with a total of 100 data sets, the accuracy value for the K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) method is obtained total accuracy value is 97,5%, while for the Local Binary Pattern Histogram (LBPH) method the total value is 94% of total accuracy value.
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